Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Ha! You're too late!

If you were planning on breaking into our house and ransacking our supply of Polly Pocket clothing, you're out of luck. We're back from Disney.

We're foot-sore, wiped out, poor, overly-stimulated, sick of each other, and done with the freaking magic already.

Greg has literally a gig of photos and short videos that he's posting, so you can all feel like you came along on the trip too.

It's 8:30 now and I have to go to sleep. More soon.

And Happy 8th birthday today, Allie!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Endless day

Julia has an unfortunately pretty common pattern. She'll come down with a fever, develop no additional symptoms to speak of, keep the fever for two days (during which she stops eating almost completely), and then gradually gets better.

Last night, she didn't want dinner, which is not so uncommon. She came over to get a hug and said her tummy hurt and on a hunch, I felt her forehead. Crap.

So today Julia was home with Greg in the morning and me in the afternoon. It was a very, very long day. She was very whiny and very needy and despite not feeling well and needing to rest, she only napped for 45 minutes.

Tonight, she finally seemed to be feeling better. Tomorrow should be a better day. And today, Greg and I earned another parenting stripe.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Still alive

We're still here, just busy not enjoying the 8 1/2 inches of snow we got on Monday. It was light, fluffy stuff, not at all suitable for snowman building, so the kids are bummed.

Apparently, this brings our total for the winter to some ridiculous number like 50 inches.

What I'd like to know, Mr. Hughes, is when you're planning on coming and picking up the show you say you want so badly?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Bundle me up

As we pulled out of the garage this morning, the thermometer on my car's dashboard said it was 23 degrees outside. By the time we got to daycare (three blocks away), it said 10 degrees. By the time I dropped Allie off at school (3/4 mile away), it said 4 degrees.

Tonight, it's supposed to be -5 degrees with a windchill in the neighborhood of -20. I am ready for Florida. Now.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dentist day

Greg took Allie and Julia to the dentist this morning. For Julia, it was her third time in the chair and her first x-rays. On her first visit (1/4/07 if you want to look it up--I can't get the link to work), she screamed, alternately wouldn't open her mouth, and tried to kick the dental assistant (who was lousy with her, frankly). I had to hold her entire body and especially her arms as the dentist looked in her mouth.

On her second visit, she closely watched as Allie smilingly went before her, then things went smoothly. Today, she sat in the big chair all by herself (instead of on my lap--good thing since I was at a seminar), she opened her mouth, and she said she had a good time.

I love that my kids love the pediatric dentist.

The big news of the day, however, was Allie. After an entire year, she got the spacer taken out from the roof of her mouth. She says it feels very odd and she's not sure she likes it. I say, give her some gum and she'll forget all about the weird feeling. She's been pining for gum.

Fortunately for us, we won't have to miss that spacer for long. Dr. Wilson says Julia's going to need one too. I'm thinking it'll be in about 2 years. Genetic crosshatch, whatever that means.

Gregory, I may have doomed our children to someday have to wear glasses with my poor genes, but I'm putting this one on you!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Trying to slim down

Simon the cat did almost 2 minutes on the treadmill tonight.

He's trying to lose that little bit of a bulge in his midsection. Turns off the ladies, you know.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Julia, over two hours

"Mommy, I want to jump on the trampoline."
"No, Julia, you have to wait your turn."
"Mommy, I want to swing on the rope."
"No, Julia, you have to wait your turn."
"Mommy, I want to play on the long trampoline."
"No, you can't. It's not time for your class anymore."
"Mommy, I want to write on the chalkboard up there."
"No, you can write on this chalkboard."
"Mommy, I want to play on the long trampoline."
"I already told you no. That's for when you have class."
"Mommy, I want another piece of candy."
"No, you got a piece when your class was over. That's all you get."
"Mommy, I want a piece of candy when we get home."
"Maybe. You need to start listening to me."
"Mommy, I want to go get a drink of water."
"You've already had two drinks of water. You're fine."
"Mommy, I want a piece of candy when we get home."
"We'll see."
"Mommy, I want to open the door!"
"Wait until I get there. You're letting cold air in."
"Mommy, I want to skip."
"No, I need you to be careful and hold my hand because there's ice."
"Mommy, can I have a piece of candy when we get home?"
"No, Julia, you haven't been listening to me at all."
"Mommy, can I have that stuff in my hair too."
"No, I have other stuff to spray in your hair."
"I want to spray it in my hair."
"No, Julia. You'll spray yourself in the eyes."
"But I want to spray it."
"No, Julia. We're done talking about this."
"Mommy, I want to get out of the tub first."
"OK, Julia, it's time to get out."
"No, Mommy, I want to play a little bit."
"Julia, put the washcloths away and stand up."
"No, Mommy."
(Finally raising my voice.) "Julia, stand up!"
"Mommy, you didn't dry off my legs."
"Julia, you didn't have a nap today, did you."

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

8 Things Meme

I'm just helping out Dan with this one, since I don't believe anyone that he tagged with this meme has done it. Now I know why, it took awhile to think of good responses (or kind of good ones, you know what I mean).

8 things I am passionate about:
My family

8 things I want to do before I die:
Have grandchildren
Travel the world
Celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary
Make a difference
Tell my kids stories about my childhood that they'll always remember
Organize my house
Read and learn something every day
Keep being happy

8 things I say often:
"Allie, chew with your mouth closed"
"What do you say?" (prompting please or thank you)
"I am so sick of this snow"
"No, you cannot have a piece of candy"
"I'll clean the cat box" (joke, not funny)
"Can I help you?"
"How was your day?"

8 books I have read recently:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - JK Rowling
The World Without Us - Alan Weisman
The Stand - Stephen King
Twilight - Stephanie Meyer
The Road - Cormac McCarthy
Stiff - The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers - Mary Roach
Little House on the Prairie - Laura Ingalls Wilder
Birnbaum's Walt Disney World 2007 - Birnbaum

1 song I could listen to over and over again:

Everything - Michael Buble
This is supposed to be a section with 8 songs, but the reality is that I almost never listen to music anymore. I don't know most new bands, I don't know most songs, I don't own an MP3 player or iPod, and I listen to public radio instead of music. My CD player is my car is really dusty and I don't know how the buttons all work. I do realize that this is kind of sad. It depresses my husband. However, it is reality for how I live right now.

8 things that attract me to my best friends:
That they are - Loyal
Light drinking
Good with kids
Easy going

8 people who should totally do this meme:
Greg (but he won't)
Dwayne (he won't either)
Bon Bon
Jeanette (another one who won't)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

400th post

Sorry, nothing spectacular, just post number 400 on the first day of a new year. It's taken me almost 4 1/2 years of blogging to get to this point. Not too impressive.

My day started today with a visit from the cats. The wooden headboard on our bed has a cap on it that's about 1 1/2 inches wide. This morning, both Rabies and Simon decided that they wanted to look down on me from the top of the headboard. You know how you can kind of feel it when someone is looking at you? Actually, that's not true. I didn't feel them looking at me until I heard them start washing each other's faces while they sat on top of the headboard. Weird cats; thankfully it was already 8:00, so I didn't kick their little furry asses out of the bedroom.

I've been feeling a little claustrophobic today, itching to go out and have dinner or shop or something. I've basically been in the house since Saturday afternoon, but of course nothing is open today. Dan called from England to say Happy New Year, which was very cool, but that's still not getting out of the house of course. To make myself feel better or something, I've been reading the blogs of people who are living and working at the South Pole. So now I have less self pity about not being able to get out.

It did snow today again. We missed the record for all-time December snowfall by 2 inches, but the weather people say that we definitely got our snow for the month in many more storms than normal. The only good thing about our winter right now is that the days aren't getting shorter anymore. How many days until spring? I'm afraid to figure it out.