Sunday, June 26, 2005

Wimbledon. It definitely turned out to be Greg's favorite part of our trip. Even though, since it was only a little over two weeks until the tournament when we were there, they wouldn't even let people touch the grass on the practice courts.

Just to finish my trip narrative, after Wimbledon we went to Abbey Road Studios and took pictures at the famous zebra crossing. Then we did some last-minute shopping for souvenirs and got ready to head home. We'll go back to England, especially, some day. We had a wonderful adventure.

Since then--we've both been catching up at work and enjoying time with our girls. Since Nana cut the hair on both of them while we were gone, they really did look like different kids when we saw them for the first time in 10 days.

Shannon and Anna got married on June 11--Congratulations to them! Very nice wedding, awful weather. The reception hall, while it had a gorgeous view, did not have air conditioning. It literally was about 100 degrees in the hall. It's been two weeks; I think I'm back to normal body temperature now.

I got my wisdom teeth removed, finally. Two of them were partially exposed and my dentist had been bugging me for literally five or six years to have them removed because a pocket made it a certainty that I'd someday get a cavity there.

I would not recommend the surgery. I would recommend being put to sleep for it (I'll pay the $325 for anesthesia myself, I don't care). It's been about 1 1/2 weeks and I really wish my stitches would come out because I'm tired of chewing on them, now that I can kind of chew again.

It's been very hot, weatherwise. Where did spring go so quickly? And life goes on.

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