Sunday, February 12, 2006

We visited Barnes and Noble a couple of months ago, which we don't do very much these days. The girls always want new books read to them and we don't get to just read things ourselves, which is half the fun of going to Barnes and Noble.

Greg, bless his heart, volunteered to take the girls somewhere and I had an hour or so to myself. This was right after Oprah had selected "A Million Little Pieces" as her book club selection, so the book was front and center as I entered the store.

I grabbed a copy and found a vacant cushy chair. I didn't want to buy the book, just figure out what Oprah had seen in it. I started reading and I was completely hooked. I sat there and devoured the pages.

I even started crying at one point. And I don't think it was from reading the description of his non-medicated root canals.

I thought it was a wonderful book. I really don't care that it's not truthful. It moved me. I learned from it. Time flew while I read it.

Greg bought it for me for Christmas. I'm glad I own it and I'm not going to stow it at the back of some shelf and pretend I wasn't entranced by it. It's a great book, no matter if it's fiction or nonfiction.

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