Sunday, April 30, 2006

Peter Pan is sad!

I pulled out my work laptop tonight to review some work stuff and now I'm just blogging while sitting with my feet up in the living room. My husband would use this opportunity to proclaim the superiority of wireless networks . . .

"Forrest Gump" is on TBS and I'm half watching it. I don't know why, I've seen it a bunch of times, plus we own the movie and I could go downstairs and get the tape and I wouldn't have to put up with commercials.

Right now, Jenny is teaching Forrest how to dance.

I'm definitely not watching to the end. I always, always cry when Jenny dies, or at least I tear up.

I'm a sucker for sad moments in movies. The king of all examples of that, however, is from back when I was pregnant with Allie. Greg and I were in the living room and he was flipping through the channels. He decided to pause on a retelling of "Peter Pan."

We literally watched it for about a minute and a half, and they showed a montage of Peter coming to the window of Wendy's room to visit her over the years, each time with Peter the same and Wendy growing older.

And I started to cry. Greg looked over in astonishment at my brimming eyes and said, "What!?"

And all I could blubber back was, "Wendy got old!"

Hormones, I swear!

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