Sunday, September 03, 2006

Things I Can't Believe I Didn't Eat as a Child That Are Really Good, And Wasn't I Stupid (But I Don't Need You Saying So)

We've been at my parents' this weekend, but we're home now, back to our own bed. Yes, I know that statement means that we're old.

Regardless, here's the list as promoted above, in no particular order:

grilled cheese sandwiches
scrambled eggs
french toast
banana bread
french onion soup
tomato sauce
oatmeal cookies
Italian dressing
chicken salad sandwiches (still not crazy about those, but I've eaten them)
pumpkin pie
fish in any form, other than fish sticks
spinach leaves in salad
taco meat
mushroom soup
cherries (I still really only like these in pie)
alfalfa sprouts
crabmeat stuffed into anything

Don't you all pity my poor mother now? What she went through, trying to get me to eat. My husband still puts up with a lot of frustration, trying to cook things that are somewhat interesting to him that I will eat, but I really have come a long way.

For a good number of the above foods, I can distinctly remember when I ate these foods for the first time and liked them. I can also distinctly remember when my mom tried to get me to eat rice for the first time. It was one of those, "you're staying at the table until you eat that spoonful" nights. Never ate the rice, nope, not until I was about 25.

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