Monday, March 31, 2008

How de doo

I don't really have much to say; I just wanted to have one more post in the month of March than I've had the last couple of months.

Oh, and that bit about waiting awhile before we bought a car? We bought a car.

So Greg got a flat screen TV yesterday and a new car today. He's spoiled.


Anonymous said...

So, um, you'll never use the car and I bet you'll never ever watch that new TV.

I think we'll move you right next to me into the spoiled category.

It's getting crowded in here with the kids and everything. . .

Anonymous said...

sounds like some people I know too. Instant gratification, the curse of the 21st century....

Donna said...

Didn't he just get a Wii too?

Deb said...

Oh yes, but that was 3 whole weeks ago!

Anonymous said...

Wish I had a new car and a flat screen TV. . You have always been spoiled Greg. Guess who?

Anonymous said...

Come on, people. I'm just doing what I've been told. Stimulating the economy isn't exactly a cake walk. Do you think I want to be branded as a shallow consumer? No. Do you think I want to surround myself with a lot of useless, meaningless crap? Of course not.

I'm buying these things for our nation's economic well-being.

I'm doing this for you.