Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Oh Julia, Julia

I got a call yesterday from Julia's teacher. She got in major trouble at school. Apparently, when a first grader needs to go to the bathroom (which is down the hall a little way), they grab a bathroom pass and head off. They do their business and then they come back and rejoin their classmates. This is quite different from last year because the kindergarten classrooms all have attached bathrooms.

Well, it appears that little Julia was taking advantage of the additional freedom of being a first grader to wander the halls instead of heading straight to the bathroom and back. It appears, more than once did she do her wandering. And yesterday, when she went hall-wandering, she took another little girl with her and they ended up at the exit to the school, between the double doors to the outside. They were probably just watching the rain, but if they'd gone out the second door, they would have been locked out of school. This is not cool.

So Julia got busted and started crying. After her teacher set up new rules for Julia's bathroom visits, she let Julia call me. She was crying so hard I couldn't really tell what was wrong, other than she'd been bad and it involved a hallway she shouldn't have been in. I got her calmed down and told her we'd talk when she got home. Then her teacher called a little later and explained.

Julia was punished last night. We need to think of something else though, because she didn't seem to mind No TV all that much.

1 comment:

Nan said...

She said she was good on Friday.
Love you Julia.