Sunday, August 08, 2004

It's been so long since I posted that I don't know where to start. I'm still wearing a brace on my hand every day because of my tendonitis, so I haven't been typing here at all. As far as the girls--

Julia went to the doctor last Wednesday for her one-year checkup. She's gained some weight, thank goodness. Her head size is in the 90th percentile, her length is in the 75th percentile, and her weight is in the 50th percentile. Not symmetrical, but cute nonetheless. Greg really needs to get some new pictures of her on his part of the site.

Allie seems more grown up every day. She entertains herself (and not always by watching TV), she gets her own drinks (including glasses) sometimes, she helps us keep an eye on Magellan (otherwise known as Julia, fast-crawling baby), and she has adventures away from us (like visiting Nana and Papa for a week at the end of June).

I have a new job at my same place of work. Our benefits administrator gave notice, so I'm taking over most of her duties while keeping some of my old, getting an assistant and a new title--either Benefits Manager or Employee Services Manager (my vote is for the latter) and I'm getting more money, but the details still aren't fleshed out and it's been 1 1/2 weeks. It's pay change time in our department, so my boss has just put in on the back burner. We should have a chance to talk this week.

I have a birthday coming up one week from today--the big 3-9. Things are changing everywhere.

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