Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pin ya ta

We bought a Tinkerbell pinata for Julia's birthday last Saturday. It was a pull string pinata, which we thought was good because we got a regular kind for Allie's birthday last January and filled it with candy and cheap plastic toys. During the beating required to break open the pinata, all of the plastic toys broke into many, many sharp colorful pieces. The whole thing was the pits.

When it was time to do Julia's pinata, I cut a long length of string to hang the pinata over the upstairs railing. It tangled as I cut it, because the cats insisted on "helping" me. The cats would chase one thread from a mop if it were moving, trust me. Regardless, I got the string around the top of the pinata and everyone gathered in the front hall to take turns pulling a string until the bottom of the pinata opened. The package guaranteed that at least 8 people could participate in the fun before the candy and toys inside would be unleashed.

Julia went first, of course. Because she's short, I had to lean way over the railing upstairs so she could reach a string. Did I mention that we forgot to prep her on how this whole thing was supposed to work?

She got under the pinata, grabbed all of the strings, Greg and I yelled in unison "JUST ONE!", I desperately tried to stretch further to allow more slack, and she yanked hard, spilling all of the candy and toys upon the floor. The entire thing took about six seconds.

I'm so glad we spent $15 on the thing. Sigh.

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