Saturday, February 09, 2008

Julia's ready, Mom - not so much

This week, before the storm of the so-far-at-least century, we registered Julia for kindergarten. I swear that she was just born about three years ago, so this was quite a development.

Ok, ok, so she's four and a half. She'll be 5 in July, so that means we can send her to school in September. I don't think I'm going to handle this particularly well. It was one thing to send Allie to school, since I had another little one at home, and I knew I wasn't done with that stage of having little ones. But now we're facing Julia being in school too. It's a whole different world.

She's excited. She wants to go to Allie's school and needless to say, Allie is practically panting to show her the ropes, to tell her how everything works, and to show off her school world. This morning, Julia disappeared upstairs and came back down dressed in summer clothing (sitting out still because of our Disney trip) and wearing her Tinkerbell backpack from her last birthday.

She marched around the house singing a song about summer and I had to smile. She looked so grown up. My little girl is going to be a kindergartener. I have less than 7 months to adjust to this idea. I think it's going to take longer than that.

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