Monday, August 25, 2008

So not worth it

Greg and I went to the movies with the girls this weekend. Julia very much enjoys being contrary, so when Allie said she wanted to see the Star Wars clone movie, Julia immediately insisted she was not going to that and that she wanted to see Fly Me to the Moon. Julia's been taking this contrary tendency to the extreme lately, especially in regards to food choices. She never, ever wants the same thing for lunch that Allie does.

This is healthy assertion of her independence, right? Damn irritating healthy independence, but there you go.

So we went to the theater and Greg took Allie to the Star Wars movie while Julia and me went to the Fly movie, which was shown on an Imax screen in 3-D. Did I mention that it was $35.00 for the four of us? Yep, $22.50 just for me and Julia. And both movies sucked. Well, at least ours looked good. And Greg said Allie seemed entranced.

But overall? I think we should have gone to the (free) zoo again.

1 comment:

bon bon said...

we saw pineapple express this weekend, which was pretty good. so the next time you have the opportunity to take your young daughters to a stoner movie, you should grab it.