Tuesday, September 02, 2008

School and essay questions

Allie went back to school today to start third grade. Julia starts kindergarten on Thursday, which I am frankly not at all ready for. And I'm the one doing an exam. I've decided to apply for a job with the State of Wisconsin and it requires a civil service exam of essay questions. It's only 3 questions, but each question has about 15 subsections, so I've been working on it all day.

Allie was so excited about school this morning that she threw up as we got in the car. Julia held her nose and complained while I bustled around getting Allie napkins and then emptying her "puke bucket" (as we so delicately call it--her carsickness bucket). She was fine in about two minutes--just nerves on an almost empty stomach.

I get to meet her bus in about 1/2 hour so I can hear all about her first day. How can it be September already!


Anonymous said...

An essay for a job interview? Man you are being put through the wringer! Good luck with it.

If any of the questions are about DC super heroes of the 1980's and early 90's just let me know.

Deb said...

Thanks for the offer, Dan.

I ended up writing 5 1/2 pages, single spaced. It probably would have been at least a 12-page term paper, back in the day. Now comes the waiting.