Sunday, August 30, 2009

Summer's almost over

The girls start school in two days and where has the time gone. I just flicked through the pictures on Greg's website from this summer and we've had a lot of fun, but it all went very quickly.

From Allie and Greg running Race for the Cure, to Allie breaking her leg three days later, to the last week of school and Allie's field trip in a wheelchair, to the first month of summer (which was mostly spent at home due to Allie's limitations), to Independence Day, multiple trips to see family, boat rides, swimming, visitors to our house, State Fair, Eugster's Farm Market and Petting Zoo, birthday celebrations and kite flying (but no annual water fight again)--it's almost over now for another year.

The girls are very excited about school. Due to redistricting, the bus routes have changed and this year the bus stop is right in front of our house (yay!). Last week, we got Allie her viola for fourth grade strings class and now she's freaking out about taking her instrument case on the bus. Allie tried piano lessons for about four months back when she was five or so, so we'll see how this goes--if she likes it and if she's willing to put in the practice time.

Julia is just excited about being a first grader and that her new teacher likes butterflies (just like her, she says), which we know from checking out the teacher's school website. Later today, I want to organize all of their school supplies and get things labeled. Then we need to figure out what they're going to wear their first day. We're in the midst of a pretty significant cold snap, so that's probably going to be jeans instead of the shorts or skirt that the girls would prefer. And so another school year begins.


Anonymous said...

Deb have you noticed that no one comments on Blogs. Everyone is on face book.

Deb said...

Hey, I'm on facebook. And I know my blog posts lately have been pretty boring, so it's fine with me if people don't comment.