Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Physicians are our friends

As you've probably heard from Greg, we went a little Ikea crazy this weekend. This was after we spent all day inside in air conditioning in Chicago (it was 95 outside) and after we had a lovely night's stay at a very nice suite hotel.

We got home Sunday evening and spent literally 4 hours assembling various pieces of new furniture (in Greg's case, assembling, then disassembling, then assembling again correctly--like the one I put together!). Sorry honey, but you don't make that many mistakes and I have to rub it in when it happens.

I don't even think I walked through tall grass all weekend, let alone brushed against any other plants. It was strictly concrete and carpeting. And we were inside approximately 99 percent of the time. So how did I get some kind of bite or plant reaction on each of my legs?

Nasty bites too--ones that were really itchy at first, then growing, then still growing until the one on my left leg was about six inches across. I talked to the nurse at work and then decided it might be prudent to see a doctor.

Dr. Bluemel was very nice but clueless as to what I actually had on my legs. He said, however, that there was obviously a secondary infection going on now and therefore an antibiotic would be a good idea.

Now it's about 29 hours later and the bites are much better. They both actually got even bigger after I saw the doctor before the pills kicked in and kicked butt. I'm planning on scrubbing off the lines drawn on my legs (used to measure where the swelling was progressing) in the morning.

In the meantime, it looks a little like I have some kind of Target tattoo. I love to shop there, but not that much. I guess I'll just have to continue getting better.

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