Monday, July 03, 2006

Showers ending early

It was pretty warm here today but the evening was nice, so the girls and I went out on the deck to read books.

We've had some nearby severe weather lately, but the worst has gone to the north and south of us. As a result, it hasn't rained much for awhile. I decided we should water my mini-garden.

My garden has three daylilies, two chewed down the nubs by rabbits and one glorious (183 blossoms this year despite no real care), some habernero peppers that don't seem to be growing (planted for my husband who loves hot food), a bunch of orange pansies (not that you would know they were orange because the aforementioned bunnies have eaten every last flower), a few marigolds (thank god bunnies don't like marigolds), and some tomato plants, which actually seem to be doing well and some of which have little green Roma tomatoes on them.

Naturally, both Allie and Julia wanted to hold the nozzle of the hose, which naturally drips. I cautioned them once to be careful of their clothes and then gave up, since it was within a half hour of bedtime (and pajamas) anyway.

Five minutes later, Allie asked if she could run through the shower of spray, and five minutes after that, they were both completely drenched, shrieking in joy, and giggling helplessly. And that water was cold!

Daddy was nice enough to get towels and both girls went to bed with damp, towel-dried hair. Actually, Allie just went to bed five minutes ago because she begged Daddy to catch fireflies tonight.

And who knows when she'll be able to get to sleep. It's the night before Independence Day (yes, from those long-ago nasty British, but we like them now!) and everyone is showing off their fireworks. Snap, crackle, pop, and boom!

Happy Fourth of July, a little early.

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