Saturday, December 02, 2006

Shopping is a task

I've been trying to remember when was the earliest date that I ever had all of my Christmas shopping finished.

It was probably when I was a kid, when I only shopped for my parents. Now, I'm pretty happy if I finish my shopping by about December 20th.

This year, Greg and I have scheduled a shopping day for the girls for December 14th. We're getting to the point now where we have to watch what wrapping paper we use for them.

I distinctly remember two years ago, when Allie was four, and she said, Look Mom! Santa uses the same wrapping paper that we do!

Fortunately, we're not to the point yet where we have to make extensive efforts to hide the gifts.

When that time comes, we'll just stock up on fake spiders and the gifts will be safe from all investigation. There's nothing the girls hate more.

Did I mention that I haven't even started my shopping yet this year?

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