Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Allie broke her leg tonight

Oh my god, do I wish I were kidding.

It started out like a pretty good evening. Greg is in Chicago on business until tomorrow evening, so the girls and I are on our own. We went to an informational meeting about Allie possibly playing a string instrument next school year (she's interested in the viola). Then we came home and I rushed Julia into the bathtub. Allie asked if she could play on her scooter outside for just a little while longer.

Her scooter is one of the old-fashioned kind, with a plate for the foot and a handle that you steer with. Completely manual. When Julia was out of the tub, I went outside to tell Allie it was time to come in. She was in the street (we live on a dead end, so that's OK), riding past our neighbor's house. She started back toward our driveway and I turned my back and went into the garage.

Then I heard her start screaming. She was crumpled in the street and she was just screaming about how much her leg hurt. I walked over, not sure how much she might be exaggerating (though really exaggeration like that would be more Julia's speed). I probed a little bit and she said it wasn't her foot or ankle, that the worst part was above the ankle. I tried to get her to stand with my support and that was a complete no go.

Our neighbor across the street saw us and asked it he could help. Between the two of us, we got her into the house, to the mudroom. He said if he and his wife could be of any help, like if I wanted to leave Julia with them while I took Allie in, they would be happy to watch her. I tried talking to Allie more and realized that we were definitely going to the hospital. I tried to call a friend to watch Julia and they weren't home, so I had to take our neighbors up on their very kind offer. Fortunately, they have girls too who occasionally play with our two and the wife is a teacher at Allie's school.

I'll spare you the rest of our ordeal, except that it involved X-rays that clearly show a spiral fracture of Allie's left tibia (that's the big bone in the lower leg) and a two-hour emergency room visit. I went over and got Julia from the neighbor's at 10:15 (BLESS THEM!) and she started crying because Allie and me were sweating and Allie was crying as she tried to use the bathroom and get into bed.

Did I mention we have a two-story house and our couch isn't really suitable to put Allie on? Unfortunately true. So now, an hour later, Julia is sleeping, finally, after crying for 10 or so minutes. Allie is sleeping, doped up on Tylenol with codeine and with her leg in a splint, propped up on pillows.

And I have a splitting headache and I know it's going to be a long night. And Greg is feeling guilty because he's not here. Boy, it will be nice to have him home to carry Allie. She weighs over 60 lbs. now, so I can steady her on her crutches but I can't lift her completely for long at all. She scooted up the steps on her butt, which was an endless excursion.

Tomorrow, we have to call Allie's pediatrician and the orthopedic surgeon. Allie said she's hoping for a pink cast that all of her friends can sign before school ends. She has 7 school days left, but she's going to miss at least the rest of this week. Next week is when all the fun field trips are scheduled, so those are probably off the table too. Sigh.

That poor girl! We all have such an ordeal ahead.


Dan said...

That really sucks.

Hope she gets better soon.

frank said...

Tell Gracie we are thinking of her,
hope the pain goes away, so she can enjoy her summer, she definitely has my sympathy.
I know how much she is like her father, (she should milk it for everything she can, he would.)

Anonymous said...

You milk it all you can Alex. Love you, Nanny

Donna said...

Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that!! And right before swimming season :-(

I hope she gets a super-cool pink cast, and feels better soon!!!

Jeannette said...

What a nightmare - hope she is feeling better today and that you have recovered too. What a way to start the summer holidays but hopefully the bright pink cast will be the sugar on the medicine.

bon bon said...

oh no! i just read greg's blog about her doing such a great job at the 5k! thankfully, this happened afterward. hopefully some field trips are still doable. can she get a wheelchair on loan?

speedy recovery to you, allie!

Anonymous said...

Allie,you take care of yourself and good job on the run what an accomplishment at your age,Aunt Pam(on your dads side)