Monday, December 28, 2009


We were very lazy this weekend, after we returned from our Christmas travels to our snug home. It snowed. We watched out the window and didn't go anywhere. It snowed some more. We watched out the window and didn't even go out to the mailbox to get the morning newspaper. So there was snow on the sidewalk and in the driveway, maybe 3 inches.

I must explain, in our city, and most cities in Wisconsin, there are ordinances regarding snow removal on sidewalks. In most cases, it has to be cleared within 24 hours of when the snow stops or you can be fined. And we get a LOT of dog walkers on our sidewalk, so I could just see some Scrooge reporting us if we didn't take care of things.

Yesterday evening, Greg decided it was finally time to tackle the snow removal. He suited up--jeans, sweatshirt, snow boots, heavy coat, radio ear muffs so he doesn't lose his hearing to the snowblower, heavy gloves. He went out the door into the garage. He opened the garage door. He stood puzzled, looking at the cleared driveway and cleared front walk.

He turned around when he heard me laughing at him. At 9:00 yesterday morning, when Greg was in the basement with the girls, I got out of bed, went outside, started the snowblower, cleared the driveway, cleared the sidewalk, and got my newspaper. He had no idea.

I got a kiss when he came in.


Dan said...

I can see why that sidewalk rule exists, but it would really irritate me.

Who does it if you are elderly or disabled?

Anonymous said...

Good Job Deb.

Anonymous said...

Awww Deb you do love him

Deb said...

If you're elderly or disabled, you'd better hope that you have friendly neighbors who will take care of it for you or that you have the funds to pay to have it done. There are no exceptions.