Friday, July 18, 2003

OK, since my husband went through the time and trouble to set this up, I guess I'll type something. If you want to know why I'm labeled the "Toast Ambassador," let me know.

When Greg first asked me about starting a blog, what I said was, "who would be interested?" and "I never even check my AOL mail, so how much time would I dedicate to a blog?" He was unswayed, so here I am.

I had the afternoon off today and spent it readying more things for baby's room. We have a week and a half left--maybe this weekend we'll actually settle on a name for this child. Otherwise, other than starting to put some things in my suitcase for the hospital, we're pretty much ready.

I even dug out the infant toys from the bottom of Allie's toybox today. This poor child isn't going to have anything new, I swear. What did I have new as a third child myself, I wonder? Or was some stuff worn out by the time I was born, so I did get new stuff? I'll have to ask my mom. She'll say she doesn't remember.

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