Saturday, July 26, 2003

This morning, Allie woke up about 7:15 and called for me from the hallway. She came into our room and crawled up in bed with us, saying that she and Mommy needed to jump up and down so Daddy would wake up. Daddy, who was playing possum, was not too pleased by this idea. He was a pretty good sport, however.

I got up and started putting away some clean laundry out of a basket, going in and out of our walk-in closet. Allie decided she was going to help me by blocking the doorway. Her daddy told her to ask me for a password. She said OK. So I asked her if the password was "froot loops." She said no. I said, "is it pancakes?" She said no. I said, "is it pickles?" She said no. I asked what the password was and she said, "it's please!"

Leave it to a child to think of something so common-sense.

We're going to give Allie a bath this morning and then take her to see "Spy Kids 3-D." You might think it's a little mature of a movie for her to see, but the first "Spy Kids" movie was the first movie Allie ever sat all the way through, when she was probably no more than 18 months old. We own the second in the series, and Allie loves to watch it, except when the kids fight the skeletons (and now she she's seen that part so often that we laugh when one of the skeletons loses his head and grabs it and puts it back on).

In the meantime, she's exhausting her daddy. He just put on some bluegrass music, picked up Allie, and they galloping all over the basement. Allie loves bluegrass--she wants to dance! Oh, the energy of a three-year-old! Gotta love it.

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