Wednesday, September 03, 2003

Pig and I went to the vet yesterday. She hates going to the vet (big surprise) so I had gotten the cat carrier out a few days ago, thinking maybe she would forget about it if it sat around like furniture for a little bit. Yeah, right. I guess when it came time for me to put her in it, I was acting a little too casually like I wasn't even thinking of taking her to the vet, because she immediately sequestered herself beneath our bed, which is about the only place in the house that you can't just reach and grab her from under.

Pig is normally a very docile pet, but we spent a good five minutes with me poking her and her hissing and even growling from under the bed without any success on my part. I finally got her to come out by poking her with the ironing board (I'm sure you can appreciate the visual here) and off we went to the vet, which thank god is very nearby (everything is nearby is this town).

She was evaluated and got her feline leukemia shot in about 7 minutes. I think it took me longer to get her and Julia inside the building in their various carriers than the actual exam. Pig is in fine health for a 10 year old kitty, and now we shouldn't have to go back for a whole 'nother year. Thank god.

Stand by--next week Allie is going to the dentist for her first-ever visit. I have a feeling my narrative on it could be similar.

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