Monday, September 18, 2006

Dates well documented here

Do we really need to have seven calendars in the house, with six of them within ten feet of each other?

Umm, I didn't think so.

Nonetheless, when Allie had her very first homework assignment ever tonight, she was required to count the calendars in the house and use tally marks to record each one. Then she had to total the marks and sure enough, it came to seven.

Believe it or not, we have four calendars just on the bulletin board in the mudroom. There's the cute one Allie made last week, where she wrote all of the numbers herself and the 6 in 26 is backwards (hazard of being a lefty, or of being a first-grader).

There's the monthly one the school gave us, so we can look at the art that students produced that the school district felt was worthy of duplication. There's the consolidated one for the entire school year, so we can see the multitude of days that we're going to have to pay for full-day daycare instead of just after school care.

And there's the school daily lunch calendar, so we can see if it's a hot lunch day or a turkey sandwich day with pink chips (those are Sun Chips, which were in a pink bag because of a breast cancer benefit once and now they're forever known as pink chips), carrots that she won't eat, and raisins or mandarin oranges or chunk pears.

Plus the calendar in the checkbook in my purse, and the Onion newspaper page-a-day calendar (which often has profanity on it, so if Allie ever decides to start reading it, it's going far, far away).

The only other calendar in the house is the Hello Kitty calendar on the wall upstairs in Allie's room.

I think we're more than covered. Anyone wanna schedule an appointment or something?

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