Saturday, September 22, 2007

The semi-annual chore

Yes, it was time once again for the CHANGING OF THE CLOTHING!

We've had some cool weather and even though our children have warmer clothes, none of them were accessible. And in Allie's case, they needed to be gone through to be sure that things actually fit after a summer in which I think she grew at least an inch.

So I started at about 10:00 a.m. Went through Allie's pajama drawer and took out some that are very light and summery and some that are too small. Sorted through the undies to make sure they all still fit. Checked the tags on the undershirts. And then, then I tackled the socks.

Allie has a phenomenal number of socks, mostly due to her Nana. Nana bought Allie and Julia each 10 more pairs of socks when she and Papa last visited, so I think Allie's now up to about 40 pair (and this is after I pulled a bunch of small pairs out). Sorted through the shorts to figure out what won't fit next summer, likewise with dresses and short-sleeved shirts.

Checked the tags on all the warmer clothing, looked for stains on things from last spring, and made some big stacks. Put everything that she's going to need for fall away in her dresser drawers. And stacked up things that might fit her next spring for review next year for in her closet. So now it's 10:45.

Then I went in Julia's room and repeated the same procedure, with the added complication that I had to sort through the tubs of clothes that Allie doesn't fit into anymore, looking for 4T clothing that I packed away 3 years ago. This whole process is just so much fun.

I finished at 12:15 p.m. My kids have a lot of clothes. Way, way too many clothes. But they won't be cold this winter, that's for sure.

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