Friday, December 28, 2007

Lame game

Go ahead, guess what it's doing outside right now. Oh, forget it. This game is way too easy.

Of course. It's snowing!

We getting another 4-5 inches of snow today. This is on top of the 1 inch we got on Wednesday night and the 2 inches we got on Monday. Some snow did melt last week, but that really didn't make a dent. For someone like me who doesn't particularly like winter, this weather is annoying.

My family was supposed to come and visit today (for the weekend) and obviously, they're not coming. They say they're coming tomorrow morning. All I can say is that Greg went grocery shopping in today's blizzard and spent over $300, so they better get their asses down here somehow. I have to pick the girls up at daycare in an hour and I'm going to walk the two blocks, because Greg almost didn't get the car back up our slightly-sloping driveway and into the garage.

We're going to Disney with the girls in less than a month. The Weather Channel says it's 84 degrees in Orlando today. I'm ready now.

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