Monday, December 31, 2007

It's gonna be a new year

It's New Year's Eve, 9 p.m., and we're home. There's laundry going in the dryer, I just yelled at the girls for the third time to go to sleep, and Greg has been upstairs for the last two hours on the other computer. In other words, it's a pretty normal weeknight. I have no desire to go out to "celebrate" the end of 2007. It was a good year--we were all relatively healthy (except for some dental stuff for Allie and me), Greg and I got to travel to Ireland (thanks again, Mom and Dad, for babysitting), and the girls grew at an exponential rate.

I started thinking of the negative things that happened this year to us and to our families, but really, why dwell on all of that. Some stuff happened, some of it was pretty bad, most of it just kind of sucked, and hopefully things will be better next year. I'm an optimistic person anyway, so I'm looking forward to 2008.

2008 will be the year that Julia starts kindergarten (be still, my heart). I can't think of anything else I can anticipate for next year that will change our family as profoundly as our little one heading off to school. I think she's going to be ready. I don't think I am going to be. Thank goodness it's over 8 months away.

Yep, 2008 can take one day at a time to come. I hope it's a happy year for us, and for all of you. Happy New Year!

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