Monday, January 14, 2008

Julia, over two hours

"Mommy, I want to jump on the trampoline."
"No, Julia, you have to wait your turn."
"Mommy, I want to swing on the rope."
"No, Julia, you have to wait your turn."
"Mommy, I want to play on the long trampoline."
"No, you can't. It's not time for your class anymore."
"Mommy, I want to write on the chalkboard up there."
"No, you can write on this chalkboard."
"Mommy, I want to play on the long trampoline."
"I already told you no. That's for when you have class."
"Mommy, I want another piece of candy."
"No, you got a piece when your class was over. That's all you get."
"Mommy, I want a piece of candy when we get home."
"Maybe. You need to start listening to me."
"Mommy, I want to go get a drink of water."
"You've already had two drinks of water. You're fine."
"Mommy, I want a piece of candy when we get home."
"We'll see."
"Mommy, I want to open the door!"
"Wait until I get there. You're letting cold air in."
"Mommy, I want to skip."
"No, I need you to be careful and hold my hand because there's ice."
"Mommy, can I have a piece of candy when we get home?"
"No, Julia, you haven't been listening to me at all."
"Mommy, can I have that stuff in my hair too."
"No, I have other stuff to spray in your hair."
"I want to spray it in my hair."
"No, Julia. You'll spray yourself in the eyes."
"But I want to spray it."
"No, Julia. We're done talking about this."
"Mommy, I want to get out of the tub first."
"OK, Julia, it's time to get out."
"No, Mommy, I want to play a little bit."
"Julia, put the washcloths away and stand up."
"No, Mommy."
(Finally raising my voice.) "Julia, stand up!"
"Mommy, you didn't dry off my legs."
"Julia, you didn't have a nap today, did you."

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