Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ready for years of picnics

Today after work, my husband took our children to the grocery store to pick up a few things. He does this pretty frequently, much more frequently than I do, and I appreciate that. Usually, we have a running grocery list on the refrigerator door and he'll be sure to get those items. Greg does, however, really love to go up and down every single aisle in the store. I personally think that process is a colossal waste of time, which is one of the reasons we seldom go to the store together. If I know I don't need either baby food, diapers, or crackers and cookies, why head down that way and tempt myself. (The cookies, not the baby stuff.)

So Greg, Allie and Julia traipsed up and down the aisles today and Greg thought, "Hey, I bet we need ketchup. We always need ketchup." After all, the girls practically inhale ketchup, so this thought isn't too far-fetched.

However, when Greg picked up and purchased a large bottle of ketchup today (36 oz.), he neglected to remember that he took the girls to Sam's Club a few weeks ago. That day, he also thought, "Hey, I bet we need ketchup. We always need ketchup." As a result of Sam's Club supersizing, I now own a 36 oz. bottle of ketchup and 3 - 44 oz. bottles of ketchup.

That's 21 cups of ketchup. Plus what we have in the refrigerator. I'm looking for recipe ideas here, people. Anyone?


Anonymous said...

Maybe you could make some sort of smoothie

Anonymous said...


Donna said...

Sometimes I add a little when I make chili...

I also have a vague recollection of seeing it used as a meatloaf ingredient-- I'm not sure about that though.