Saturday, June 28, 2008

It sucks

So I'm losing my job. Last week, my boss (for the last six months) came to see me and told me I was being removed from my position. Oh, and the company had hired a replacement. Oh, and she was coming by to take my staff to lunch in a day and a half. Oh, and we don't want you to actually leave, we love you blah blah and we want you to stay. I'm shortening the story up, obviously. He wasn't quite that blunt but I'm not too far off. I said, stay as what?

My company's been in a real change pattern for the last seven or so months and I guess this is a continuation of that. They've also been in a significant downturn for over a year. We've had a significant number of people on improvement plans for performance issues and we've let a bunch go. That's in addition to the 220 laid off last year.

I have not been one of the people told to improve my performance. I've never been told that there were any problems with my performance at all, or that I should be focusing on anything other than what I've been doing. Oh, the unfairness of it all goes on and on and I won't bore you with more detail. Let me just sum it up by saying that I'm leaving. I won't be done until August 1--32 more days of work--but I'm getting out. And I'm excited.

I keep thinking that I'm probably going to get a job at a place that doesn't have a leaking roof every winter. A place where I don't have to worry about mold in the insulation. A place where I might have a window where I can see outside. A place that's growing and stable instead of declining and maybe dying. And a place that wouldn't do something like this to someone like me, who's been a stupidly loyal, dedicated employee for almost 11 years.

Oh, I'm bitter. But I know this is a good thing. I'm getting out. I'll miss the people I've worked with. But I sure won't miss the people who decided to do this to me in this way. 32 more days. And counting down.


Anonymous said...

That does indeed suck. It sucks big hairy eggs.

I'm sorry Deb.

Anonymous said...

Is that even legal?

I'm sorry that it's happened but hopefully you'll find a company that takes care of its employees better

Deb said...

Yes, it's legal. Wisconsin is at employment at-will state, so you can leave anytime and an employer can let you go at anytime. They've really tied my hands though--they recognize that they need me to train the new person (who's actually been given the title of VP of HR instead of Director like me, despite the fact that she's never actually held an HR job). They're not going to cut my pay for this month, so I can't refuse to stay or I'd be refusing a valid offer of work and I wouldn't qualify for unemployment pay.

And did I mention they're not going to pay me any severance? Even though I think they're going to need me to testify somewhere along the way in one of the several lawsuits or charges brought against them each year.

At this point, I don't see how I could really find a firm that didn't treat people better!

Anonymous said...

Bunch of bastards.

I imagine your work ethic will be slightly low over the next month. And can you refuse to do those court cases?

frank said...

Sorry Deb, can you take your vacation, comp, ACD days? You've earned them, take them. Unemployment, home with the girls for the rest of the summer, doesn't sound too bad.

Anonymous said...

I'm sat here with my mouth just hanging open. The cheek of it all...

Donna said...

Betrayal, heartbreak, suffocating fear & "Oh, the unfairness of it all."

True that!!! Unfortunately, I've also "been there done that..."

I obviously know that losing a job is a devastating blow on a number of levels and I truly am sorry to hear about your job loss. But keep the faith! Things are bound to get better!!!! And I've been told that things happen for a reason...

Besides, they suck & you don't, so you're better off without them.

Deb said...

Thank you all.

You all, and basically everyone I work with (except for about 3 people who are avoiding me out of guilt for making this decision, I suppose), have been wonderfully supportive.

Dan, I can't refuse to testify if they subpoena me, which the opposition certainly would. I have to testify today in a case, as a matter of fact.

bon bon said...

corporate america sucks!! i keep saying i wish i would get fired. a few months of unemployment vs. thankless overtime with no extra pay, seems like a no-brainer.

it sounds like you're ready for the change though! you're a smart woman! soon headhunters will be pounding on your door and you'll look back and say "i can't believe i put up with that for as long as i did!" i have no doubt you'll come out of this shit smelling like a rose! ;o)