Saturday, October 21, 2006

Dance, Elementary School Style

Last night, Greg was tired from shoving crates around all day, so I took Allie to her fall school dance.

Last year, Greg was traveling and Allie begged me to go, so I took both girls. It was not fun to have Julia trying to climb me all evening because of the scary costumes (despite the school's plea for kids not to wear scary outfits).

So this year she stayed home with Greg and Allie and I snuck out. We put our canned food donation in the barrel, checked out the D.J., looked at the costumes of the other kids, waited in line for a snack, checked out the pumpkin contest entries (yeah, I completely believe that all of those were prepared by kids--give me an f-ing break), took Allie's picture, tried to get Allie to do the hokey pokey, and watched as her principal was duct-taped to the wall for charity. At the end of the night, they take away the stool he's standing on and see how long he sticks there.

Allie was not having fun, because she hadn't seen any of her bestest friends yet. We were on our way to the door to leave when, hallelujah, we ran into one of her friends, Hannah.

A sweet hug followed between a harvest princess and Supergirl (Allie) and the two of them ran off to chase boys, which they did for the next half hour. Then Allie's quarry turned around unexpectedly and she got her tooth bumped. Suddenly, she realized she was tired and hot, so she said goodbye to Hannah and we left.

No underage drinking, no sex, no rejection from a crush, no teasing for her style of dancing or because of what she was wearing. First grade dances are great, from a parent's point of view!

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