Monday, October 23, 2006

Is it breakfast time yet?

I usually eat toast for breakfast, obviously. Two slices, nicely buttered, no jelly, made sequentially.

But when I was little, I almost always ate cereal for breakfast. Cheerios, Rice Krispies, Froot Loops, and Super Sugar Crisps (which they wimped out on and renamed Super Golden Crisps some years back, the losers--like they're fooling anyone). You have to admire a cereal company that actually put "Sugar" right on the front of the box in huge letters, however.

I think my favorite cereal, though, was Quisp.

Remember Quisp? With the little martian guy? Weird name for a cereal, but it was gooooood.

It wasn't until I was in college that I realized Captain Crunch was exactly the same as Quisp. What's the matter, Mom and Dad, was Quisp cheaper?

Occasionally, I'll still see Quisp in the cereal aisle of our local supermarket, but it doesn't seem to really be around anymore. Greg and I both snatch it up when we see it.

Someday, that little martian guy is going to find his way home, and all we'll be stuck with in America is the Captain. That will truly be a sad day.

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