Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lessons from the tub

Allie is 6 1/2 now and I'm trying to teach her how to take a shower. I guess I never realized that shower-taking was a skill but she apparently has not been paying any attention the last approximately 476 times she's been given a bath or shower because she doesn't seem to know how to do it.

When I instruct her, facial feature by facial feature, how to wash her face, she doesn't seem to get it that in order to actually effect the removal of dirt, she needs to unball the washcloth and scrub more than gingerly.

I asked her, Allie, do you understand how Mommy and Daddy rub you to get you clean? She said, I guess I was playing.

No more rubber duckies for her, if I don't want to still be doing this chore when she's 10.

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