Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Seminar sitting

I attended a benefits seminar today that was basically 7 hours of technical jargon, including immense numbers of acronyms.

I sat on my butt (or bum, if you're from England) and listened to the speakers more or less intently for seven long hours, interrupted only by lunch. I am so glad I don't have to do this every day.

When I got home, I commented to Greg that I absolutely don't understand how some people can attend an all-day seminar and never ask a single question or make a single comment. I am so not like that.

If I'm learning anything at all, I'm going to have a question or two. Was I (nearly) the only one who didn't already know everything they were talking about? Was I (nearly) the only one who didn't completely understand everything the speakers mentioned just by their PowerPoint slides and lecture?

A few years ago, I attended Berlitz language classes to try to learn Spanish in two and a half weeks. Now that was a lot of sitting! Eight hours a day of struggling to remember things from my one year of high school Spanish and build on them.

The only thing that saved me then was that there were only three of us students, so needless to say, it was pretty obvious when you were daydreaming.

I didn't daydream today, but I'm glad it's back to my normal work tomorrow.

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