Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Kitty on my lap and kids in their beds

I'm blogging in the living room and I have a kitten (Simon) half on my lap, half on the seat next to me. And the other kitten just jumped up too. Rabies seems fascinated with the movement of my fingers, which isn't a good thing since both cats have all of their claws and I can just see a lightning quick rip of the skin on my fingers in investigation.

So Allie turned 7 today. It's 9:50 p.m. right now and she was born at 10:27 p.m., so 7 years ago at this instant, I was probably being prepped for my c-section. This was after Allie's head got stuck and they figured out after I pushed for three hours that we weren't having a baby the regular way.

I honestly didn't care one whit. I was ready to see whether we had a boy or girl and to count those fingers and toes. Unfortunately, I threw up as the doctor, as Greg says, "was putting your insides back in." They upped my medication and I zoned out completely after Allie was out of my belly.

The next thing I knew was shivering and shuddering and freezing in the recovery room, trying to wake up and unable to move, as the nurses persisted in asking me to try to nurse. It's no wonder it took me about two days to know that I loved her.

It's OK. I've loved her and her sister every day since, and I can't believe it's been 7 years. She's becoming a true big girl. I'm thrilled I have Allie and Julia in my life. Happy Birthday, Alexandra!

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