Thursday, January 18, 2007

No, Greg is not dead

I headed upstairs tonight and told Greg, "I'm going to blog, and I'm going to blog about you." He grunted in response. See, ladies out there, we may have been married for 10 years, but our communication skills are still top-notch.

Anyhow, to respond to an inquiry I got earlier tonight, no, Greg's hands are not broken. Yes, it has been since approximately December 27th, 2006, that he last blogged (yes, that is last year, people) but he is also not dead--witness the witty repartee that we engaged in above.

He says he doesn't feel like blogging, so he's been (purposely or not) leaving it to me to fill the gap in news about our family by me blathering on about illness and dental issues and sores and boils (those latter two topics as he would have).

So just as a non-health-related update, I want to report that our new couch was delivered today. It was relatively cheap, but it has a queen sleeper like the old one and we figure we'll try to get it to last for at least five years, until the girls are older and less likely to spill grape or cherry kool-aid on it. Then we'll buy a better quality one.

I put up four flyers at work advertising that our old couch was available for free, and we found out today that we have a taker (which is a good thing, because it's in the dining room and Marcia's going nuts because she can't run the sweeper in there). A sweeper, by the way for those of you not born in Illinois, is a vacuum cleaner. Yes, Marcia, Greg's mom, is staying with us this week, and because of that, our house is cleaner than it's been since we moved in (it was new then, oh lo that eight years ago).

Besides the obvious benefits of having a mother-in-law staying here who likes to clean, she's also been tremendously helpful to us by taking care of Julia, being here for the Moxi repairman (gotta have our TV), and being here for the couch delivery. And tomorrow she's going to be here for the old couch pickup too, so we get our house back to normal by the weekend. Maybe we should kidnap her permanently. Did I mention she cooks too? We love you, Marcia.

And to my parents, who were here last week caring for Julia and Allie, we love you too.

Here's a public thank you to all of you for everything. And we can't forget Greg's father, Dave, who's driving all the way to Wisconsin to retrieve his wife this weekend. Thank you too, Dave.

So look, Greg, I didn't write just about you after all.

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