Sunday, May 06, 2007

As heard in a car near you

A man, a woman, a 7-year-old girl, and a 3 1/2-year-old girl are riding along in the car.

The 7-year-old says, Mom, what's C-H-I-C-A-G-O.

The woman says, That's Chicago, honey. You've been there. Remember when you were in Uncle Shannon's and Aunt Anna's wedding, and remember when we went to Chicago to meet your cousin Anika?

(General conversation follows, then about 10 minutes passes)

The car pulls up next to a bus. The 3 1/2-year-old says, Mom, whats' G-H-L.

The woman says, Ummm, Gahull.

The younger child thinks for a minute, then says (in a tone of great delight), I've been there!

The man and the woman look at each other and both stifle laughter. The man says, Yes, honey, I remember when you went to Gahull!

The woman puts her hand to her mouth so she doesn't let any giggles out. The young child says, Yes, we went there and we did that thing!

The man lets out a chuckle and says, Yes, and that thing was really fun, wasn't it!

The child says, Yes, it was fun (in a tone of great satisfaction).

Yep, that time there was the best time ever. I remember it well.

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