Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Prince and Me, etc.

Have you seen this movie? It stars Julia Stiles and some Luke guy. He's the prince of Denmark (incognito) and she's a farm girl from Manitowoc, Wisconsin, both studying pre-med at the University of Wisconsin.

I've never seen the whole movie, but I've caught the last hour or so two or three times. Julia's character takes the prince home for Thanksgiving, which for some mysterious reason looks more like late summer in California (trust me, I know what November looks like in Manitowoc, since that's the county of my hometown, and this wasn't it). The dialogue references Rocky Rococo's Pizza, a Wisconsin chain, (which majorly sucks, by the way) and a facsimile of the Manitowoc County Fairgrounds is the setting for a climactic scene where the prince wins over Julia's character's family by winning a lawnmower race.

It's kind of charming and the Czech republic stands in for Denmark at the end of the movie. It must have done reasonably well since they made a sequel last year. Since I again caught part of the original today (which Allie loved, since it was about a royal family), I started wondering about the second movie and I got online to read what the plot was.

Ooooo. People really, really hate the sequel. I read numerous postings to the IMDB message board and almost everyone said that they shouldn't have made the sequel unless the original actors returned. Apparently the only actor who returned was the guy who played the prince and he looked like he was bored. How frequently does that happen--that everyone who made the original movie returns for the next (discounting all of this summer's sequels, which all had much bigger budgets). I'm thinking not too frequently. Just get over it, people.

On another note, Happy Mother's Day to my mom, my mother-in-law, and all the other moms I know in my life. Hope you all had a wonderful day. Thanks to my amazing husband and my beautiful children, I did! Thank you!

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