Saturday, May 05, 2007

In our war, the latest salvo

We purchased a new grill this evening, and if we ever find our camera (Greg had it the last time I saw it!), I'll take pictures tomorrow while we assemble it. The last time we bought a grill, it took Greg and my dad together a total of 2 1/2 hours to make all the pieces fit together. This time, stickers on similar grills at another store said that assembly would only take 1/2 hour. I'll believe that when I see it.

We also purchased a very heavy bag of river rock and Greg worked up a sweat vacuuming the latest piles of dirt into the vacuum and then putting several inches of rocks into our lovely glazed pot.

I guess I'm crossing my fingers. I'm not really looking forward to digging those kitty graves in the backyard. We'd probably chase away our last neighbors who aren't already moving.

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