Saturday, December 16, 2006

A case study

Julia was playing with Allie's Leapster game tonight when bedtime came. We went upstairs so the girls could brush teeth and go potty and she wanted to keep playing even when she finished those tasks and crawled into bed.

She cried when I told her she had to give it up, so I told her I would put it on top of her dresser and that she could have it as soon as she woke up. Meanwhile, Greg had crawled into Allie's bed to pretend he was going to sleep with her. I went downstairs to watch TV.

This is what happened after that in Julia's head:

1. I'm not tired. I want my game.
2. I can't reach the game.
3. I could reach the game if I was taller.
4. I would be taller if I had a stepstool.
5. There's a stepstool in Allie's room.
6. I'm going to get out of bed to get the stepstool and get my game.
7. No one will be able to figure out that I'm being naughty.
8. Time to get out of bed.
9. I'm opening the door.
10. I'm going into Allie's room for the stepstool.
11. Oh, oh. Daddy's in here!
12. I'm going to lie!

Daddy said, Julia, why are you getting the stepstool? Julia said, I need to get my teddy bear.

Unfortunately for Julia, Daddy followed her into her room. Now the game is in Mommy's and Daddy's room.

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