Thursday, December 21, 2006

Sing, sing a song

Allie's concert turned out to be pretty entertaining today, for a grade school event.

She did a fine job singing her 60s tunes. That was the theme--her music teacher is retiring after this year and so Mrs. Baker did a show with music through the decades. The first graders thus ended up singing the aforementioned "Yellow Submarine" and "Puff the Magic Dragon."

Other classes did do some Christmassy songs, including the dreadful "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer," which was somewhat highlighted by Allie's principal, Mr. Jamison, putting on a dress and wig (he's normally pretty bald) and pretending to get run over.

They also had kids dressing up as Bing Crosby and Doris Day, Elvis, and the Beatles.

The biggest hit of the concert, though, had to be when the kindergarteners sang "Rubber Duckie" from Sesame Street and Allie's two gym teachers were pushed out in a cardboard bathtub, wearing only swim trunks and Bert and Ernie heads.

Allie thought the funny part was their handheld bubble machines. I thought it was her age 25ish gym teacher scrubbing under his arm with a scrub brush, while her age 50ish gym teacher waved and tried to stay down in the tub.

Good clean fun!

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