Friday, December 08, 2006

Wait until she's 13 1/2

This evening, I gave my children Eggo waffles for dinner. Now I don't need any eye-rolling from any of you over that. They had some protein earlier because they ate nuts when we first arrived home. Julia also had some cottage cheese (which she loves, for some reason) and Allie ate some fruit.

Greg was working late and I didn't bother to try to make something nicer for us for dinner because Greg and I needed to eat more of the amazing chicken soup/stew he made the other night and I knew the girls would never eat it.

As she ate her third Eggo, Allie managed to get a whole bunch of syrup on one pants leg. When she finished eating, she took off her pants and put them in the laundry room, so she was walking around wearing a warm shirt, undershift, panties, and socks. And she grabbed a blanket.

Julia is a naked-preference girl, so she immediately wanted to take off her pants too. She came up to me and said, Mommy, my pants are wet, can I take them off? I said, what? She said, I got water on my pants, can I take them off?

I looked suspiciously at her pants and asked where she was that she got water on them. She changed her story, and said, I spilled milk on them and they're wet, can I take them off?

I said, where are they wet, Julia? She looked down at her dry pants and said, Mommy, look, they're dirty. She bent over and pointed to an imaginary spot on the cuff. She said, Mommy, can I take them off?

I told her that her pants weren't really wet, were they, but you want to take your pants off, right? And she said yes. So I told her she could take them off.

My almost 3 and a half year old daughter has learned to lie. This is an important developmental step, right? And not an indication of trouble ahead!

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