Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Hello, we're home, thank goodness. I truly love to visit my in-law's home--it's very comfortable, they're wonderful company, we get to see all of Greg's family members, my parents-in-law sleep near our kids so we don't get woken up in the night, the food is wonderful. But.

They all live almost 4 hours away and just the anticipation of the long journey home is enough to add a sour note of dread to our every visit.

Plus there's more. Allie threw up in the car on the way down on Saturday and we thought it was just carsickness.

Then she spiked a fever on Christmas Eve day, she threw up several more times, and she's been completely uncharacteristically quiet and listless considering there are piles of new toys everywhere.

Meanwhile, Julia missed her nap yesterday, both girls slept poorly last night, and both woke up early today. On the way home in the car this afternoon, they both fell asleep for a good two hours. That was a blessing.

So now we're home, Santa came here too so there were even more fun things to unwrap, but neither girl has eaten well since this morning.

Allie managed to barely make it through the day without throwing up but she still has a low-grade fever, Julia is still healthy, we're feeling OK if tired, and tomorrow, no one has to go anywhere and no one is visiting.

I really hope the girls sleep in, but I think the scent of new toys will waft upstairs and wake them up early. That's a big part of what their Christmas is about, after all.

I hope you all got what you wanted for Christmas, even if that was just a day off from work. Happy Holidays!

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