Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Older child update

Today at school, Allie made a gingerbread house (actually a graham cracker house, but let's not be picky).

Each family of each student was assigned something to contribute. Our contribution was just a box of graham crackers; fortunately we weren't in the "make royal frosting" group. If you don't know, royal frosting is the glue that keeps gingerbread houses together and I believe it's quite challenging to keep the stuff from turning into a block of concrete after you mix it.

Allie told us all about her construction while we ate dinner tonight. Actually, me, Greg, and Allie ate--Julia's had a low-grade fever for two days and so she's gone anorexic on us.

Allie said that she had 1/2 hour to decorate her house, but it sounded to us like she ended up using about six pounds of candy. We get to bring the thing home on Thursday, after her school concert, so we'll see.

Ah, yes. The All-School Sing. Mustn't call it a Holiday Concert, lest someone get offended and sue the school district.

And what songs is my daughter going to be singing for this lovely "holiday" event, you may ask? Well, two of them are "Puff, the Magic Dragon," and "Yellow Submarine."

Feel free to comment if you like.

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