Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sound asleep

Poor Pig, she's home from the vet after a long day and she will feel better as a result of her adventure, but probably not too soon.

We were really concerned early last night because she wasn't drinking. Then we had to take up her food and water at 8 last night because she was going to be put under today.

This morning, the girls and I took her in. The vet put her to sleep, gave her an antibiotic shot, pulled her loose tooth, cleaned the rest of her teeth, gave her fluids, expressed her anal glands (don't ask), cleaned her ears, and prescribed ear drops for a week and capsule antibiotics for two weeks. $288.52.

We couldn't pick her up until after 4 and she even then was still a little wobbly. Pig was very happy to get out of her cat carrier and I was relieved when she went over to her water dish and started drinking. The vet's assistant said she needed to keep drinking tonight to wash out the last of the anesthesia.

Now she's been home for a few hours and she's snoring with her head under the Christmas tree. I can hear her from across the room.

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