Monday, February 19, 2007


I am doing three full-time jobs right now at work, plus part of a fourth. It's stupid. It's absolutely retarded.

I'm doing my own director job, pretty half-assed, actually. I'm doing a manager job while I try to hire a replacement (I'm interviewing my second candidate tomorrow). I'm doing one big task of an entry-level job because I can't fill the position yet (because we don't need someone to do all of the tasks right now). And for the next week, I'm doing an administrator job while someone is unexpectedly gone.

I seriously need to take some action and I know it. I need to get someone else to do the one big task (maybe I'll work on training someone for that tomorrow). I need to finish interviewing for the manager job--I'm working on that one. And in a week, the administrator will be back, I pray.

Then can I have my life back, please!

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