Wednesday, February 21, 2007

What are you worth?

I'm working on getting someone promoted right now, trying to get my company to pay her what she's worth.

Do you think you're paid what you're worth? I don't want to know how much you actually make, just if you think that you're worth more or if your pay is about right. I don't know that anyone would say that they're overpaid.

As for me, I think I'm paid about the right amount. I work really hard, so I don't think I'd like it if I figured out how many hours I actually put in. Also, my boss has this philosophy I don't particularly care for, that managers shouldn't submit requests for reimbursement of mileage. That philosophy costs me at least $50 every week, which does add up.

But, I make a lot more money than I did when I started with this company, so I'm OK for right now.

How about you?

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