Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Odd, hmm

I was driving out of the gate where I work awhile back and saw something that caught my eye.

A trucker was backing into a receiving dock and he was carefully watching his mirrors instead of looking in front of him, where I was. I glanced up to see which way he was moving and where he was looking and I saw something that looked familiar.

There was a cat stretched on his dashboard, right against the front window of his semi truck, facing the steering wheel and between the wheel and the window. I could see his ears and the back of his head as he watched the driver back up.

I've certainly heard of truckers having dogs in their vehicles before, but this was the first cat I've ever seen. I had to wonder, where does the driver keep the litter box? Or is the cat road trained? Trained to only go outside like a dog would?

I can't imagine wanting to travel with the a litter box in the sleeper cab. I know those spaces are suprisingly roomy, but ick. I think the feline companionship would be nice, though!

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