Thursday, April 12, 2007

Run for it!

We got 6 inches of wet, heavy snow yesterday. Yuck. Every tree and sign and power line and structure was covered with several inches of heavy snow. That wasn't the worst of it, however.

I drove about 45 minutes today to another one of our plants and all the way there, I kept getting attacked. Yes, attacked!

All of the trees were blowing in the wind and they kept sloughing off bits of the snow from their branches. These weren't little poofs of puffy snow, though, falling like snowflakes onto my windshield and the top of my car.

These were ice bombs! Seriously! The temperature has been just at the level where it appears every bit of snow on every branch has a bit of ice under it. And when the tree moved and dropped off some of it's snow, the bit of ice went with it.

It was really bad. There are kind of a lot of trees along the road on this trip, which I'll admit is not something I've given a lot of thought to before today. I kept jumping and glancing up warily, expecting to see a crack in the moonroof, it was that loud.

Attack of the spring snow--that would make a rotten movie title, but it would be accurate.

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