Monday, August 11, 2003

I am home alone with Julia from roughly 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. With that much time, you would think I could get a lot done. Like thank you notes written for all of the wonderful people who have gotten Julia and/or Allie gifts, like cleaning at least one room of the house, like weeding my front walk (which looks atrocious right now, notwithstanding the really big weeds Greg pulled yesterday). Nope.

All I've gotten done today is kept Julia clean and well fed, emptied the dishwasher, swept the kitchen floor, took a one-hour nap, washed and made up bottles, written out the newspaper announcement of Julia's birth, and called the short-term disability insurance company who mistakenly think I did not have a c-section and who plan to cut off my benefits after only 6 weeks. I'm planning on making mushroom pork chops for dinner, but it just seems like I should get a lot more done, doesn't it?

Tomorrow will be better. Right now, Julia's making "give me a snack" noises, so I have to go. And she just sneezed twice. How can a sneeze be adorable? I am so in love.

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