Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Well, I'm two-faced, I'll admit it. Right after I typed yesterday about how motherhood was cool, I went upstairs and Allie proceeded to drive me nuts for the next ten minutes. I'll admit I got rid of her by sending her outside on the deck to be with her grandpa. I hope the gods of parenthood don't strike me dead.

I also caused other trouble for myself. Just last evening, I said to Greg, "isn't Julia a good baby?" What was I thinking to tempt the fates like that. She only was up twice again last night, but the first time was from 11:45 to 2:15 (yes, 2 1/2 hours). Blink, blink, went those little dark eyes, but they wouldn't close! I tried to get her down for 1 and 1/2 hours, then Greg tried for 1/2 hour, then I finally got her to sleep after another 1/2 hour. We tried rocking and walking and the rocking chair and swaddling and feeding and checking her diaper, but she wouldn't be comforted. My mom was sleeping in the living room where the swing is. If she has another night like that one, I think I'll put her in her swing and see if that helps. It would certainly help that ache in the middle of my back.

There should be some type of parent body-conditioning course---

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