Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Robyn, I'm with you. My potted plants have spent themselves heroically, blossoming to the end of the summer despite my haphazard watering and deadheading. They're toast (pardon the pun). But somehow, I can't bring myself to just stop watering them and let them pass into annual plant heaven. I guess I'm waiting for that first frost to come and take them away. I realize I have awhile to wait--after all, my tomatoes are just really getting started producing. I'm never happy, I guess.

Julia was a bear this morning--just not happy. No amount of eating, rocking, swinging, burping, or holding made her content. At least content enough to relax and go to sleep for an hour, which is what I wanted her to do. I went out to lunch with some co-workers and she's been basically sleeping ever since I packed her up to go to the restaurant. I think she's trying to make it up to me.

I made Yankee Pot Roast for dinner tonight. I hope it's good. Don't worry, Greg my honey, I'm not going to ruin it at the end by trying to make dumplings in it. If nothing else, pot roast makes the house smell oniony good. Speaking of, I have to go stir things up in the pot. Mmmmm.

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